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Self-Assessment and Metacognitive Journal Post

 I. I have really enjoyed this class and what I have learned. Honestly, I didn't know much about New Media and Literacies before this class. For me, it just meant reading on computers. This course has taught me how much encompasses media literacy and how much it impacts our students. 

II. One of my strong points is my love of learning and willingness to work hard. Even though I struggled with concepts in this class due to unfamiliarity, I wanted to understand and worked through it. An example of a struggle I worked through was connecting our class textbook to my research paper. Since our book doesn't directly reference misinformation, I had to find ways to indirectly connect the two. Another strong suit I have is my writing. I am not exactly sure what it is about it, but professors have always complimented my ability to write efficiently and effectively. I have always found it easier to convey messages through text and writing than speaking. One of my favorite parts of this class was the community engagement proposal. My proposal was for a club I actually would like to do in the future, so I was able to see how many components played a role in proposing a plan. I also thought it was good to think about what would benefit the community you work in. 

III. An area of improvement I need to make is trying to balance university and work. I really struggle to try to "do it all". I have always been a perfectionist, so when I can't do everything on my to-do list to my fullest potential, I start to shut down and feel negative about myself. I also struggle with health issues that make the word loader harder sometimes. I think I need to set boundaries and have a strict assignment schedule. I would like to improve on this since I will be taking two classes this summer. Lastly, I need to improve the consistency of my APA format. I confuse myself as I write and start citing my sources in different ways throughout the paper. After finishing, it becomes overwhelming to reread it all and find all the small errors. Maybe having someone read it over for me would help me see things I can't. 

IV. Something I would like to take away from this course is using technology in the classroom with a purpose. Right now, I am in the trial-and-error phase of being a new teacher, so we have used lots of programs and websites to see how they go. Next year, I would like to cut down on the number of sites I use and use the ones I keep as efficiently as possible.


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